
Posts Tagged ‘hunter’

How long have I been playing MMO’s again?

January 24, 2016 Comments off

Questgiver PC

I’ve been playing MMO’s for 12 years now. I guess that answered the question in the title. You can leave now. Or you can stay to see why I feel like a noob.

Pets in WoW don’t act like Companions in SWTOR do. They don’t just hitch for a second and then teleport to your side if you jump down a cliff. Pets in WoW take the scenic route, scouring what seems like the ENTIRE DUNGEON pulling every conceivable mob, running up to their oblivious master, and plopping them at your feet like a happy golden retriever puppy with a dead bird.



Because their master dies.

Since I’ve spent most of my time leveling up either in Battlegrounds or in dungeons, I learned this wonderful fact pretty early on. Ever since, I’ve been careful to not pull the dungeon when jumping off a cliff.

Except for the other day. The other day I failed.

I pugged into a Blackrock Caverns at level 81, which is fun for me, since I play Hearthstone, and any references that have been made have been lost on me this whole time. So I am enjoying the references in the reverse direction from anyone else.

Halfway through the dungeon is a a drop that didn’t look like a drop because the terrain made it look like a ramp. Before I could do anything, my pet had gone off in the other direction, pulling a group just as the tank pulled the next boss. It didn’t end well.

Then, not 10 minutes later, I swing a bit wide in the same stupid dungeon, just not paying attention, and I face-pull another group. I’m surprised I didn’t get kicked right then and there. Could have been my profuse apologies. Or my begging for forgiveness. Or maybe they could sense how embarrassed I was.

Oh yeah, and I move a lot even when I do dungeons, because it is a twitchy habit I learned from PvPing. This caused me to die to a debuff that did more damage the more I moved. Lovely.

Looking like a noob aside, I really don’t like dying. I had to be rezzed three times. That is almost more than I’ve been rezzed in the entire time I’ve done dungeons in WoW put together. I think the tally before then was five times total.

Did I mention I was embarrassed?

So yeah, even though I feel like a old, wizened pro at this point, sometimes you can still have bad days and off moments.

What about you? Have you had any facepalm moments that made you question your noobiness? Let me know on Twitter or in the comments below!

The Hunter Gets His Due…Rhekk Finishes Act 3

February 26, 2013 Comments off
I'm in my ship, with my homies...

I’m in my ship, with my homies…

So, Rhekk (my character) may not be Level 50, but so far none of my characters thus far (Kaytra – Sorcerer, Rhyla – Scoundrel, and Abhorus – Marauder) were when they finished Act 3 and completed their class story. I’m SUPER EXCITED, and thus far have finished what in my opinion was the most satisfying class story ending yet. For those of you wanting a quick peek at some highlights, just be sure you realize there are SPOILERS INCOMING!

Read more…

When to use cooldowns in LOTRO: The Do’s and Don’ts

February 7, 2012 Comments off

This post will cover how to use Cooldowns effectively while leveling, dungeon-crawling, and raiding. That means when to use them…and when to not.

I think most of my readers are aware of this, but I have severe altoholism. I have every class except Guardian at level 40 or above. Pre-Isengard, I had five level 65s and one almost there (Minstrel). As I have gone through I have standardized some things, such as what keys get my curative potions (Wound is Ctrl+5, Fear is Ctrl+6, Disease is Ctrl+7, and Poison is Ctrl+8, on all my characters, in case you were wondering). Another thing I have standardized is my use of the “emergency skills,” as often they are on a long cooldown. These often have similar effects as skills from other classes, and I try to make sure my keybindings reflect that.

One thing I have found hard to do is figure out how to use each class’s Cooldowns. Some classes have skills on a short cooldown, like Wardens. Some, like Hunters and Champions, have skills that are on 30 minute cooldowns. Knowing which Cooldowns to use in what situation is a lot of what the subtleties of this game are about.

So I will start with the basics. First, what is a Cooldown?

“Cooldowns” are the skills that every class has that are game-changers, but on a long cooldown, meaning they have a long timer that has to expire before they can be used again. You might ask, “how long is long?” Some would consider only skills that are on a 5+ minute cooldown a true “Cooldown skill.” I usually consider any skill I can’t use in every single fight a “Cooldown” This to me is about 3+ minutes. If I have to think about saving the skill, it is a Cooldown.


  • Skill Deeds
    Something that a lot of people don’t realize at first is that some Cooldowns have a deed associated with using them. Some skills are nice skills to use but not essential to survival, such as a Minstrel’s Cry of the Chorus. These are easily spammed whenever one thinks about it, and no harm is done. In fact, you might even think of unique ways to use those skills in regular situations. However, “emergency skills” like Dire Need for Champions or Hide in Plain Sight for Burglars are tempting to save for when you are in trouble.This presents a problem, as Hide in Plain Sight is a great skill, but using it 2.5 million times (exaggerated of course) unlocks a great trait! Which should you do? Save it or use it? It really depends on what I am doing. If I am just doing random quests that aren’t really that hard, or if I am in a place with low mob-density, then I will tend to just hit it whenever it is off-cooldown. If I am in an area where the quests are 3 levels higher than me, and the mobs are packed tightly, increasing the possibility of pulling three or more at a time, I might just save it for when things are a little less stressful.If you absolutely can’t make yourself burn an emergency Cooldown, then when you are doing something mundane like crafting or homework, just keep an eye on the Cooldown or set a timer. Hit the skill, then keep doing what you were doing. When I was leveling my Lore-master, I would set a 10 minute timer. I was working on homework, and when the timer would go off, I would hit Wisdom of the Council (big self-heal and buff) and Beacon of Hope on my pet. Back to studying. I am still working on my Burglar, but every 10 minutes, I will hit Hide in Plain Sight, Ready and Able (which resets HIPS) and HIPS again. Ready and Able is only available every 20 minutes, but still it works quite well.
  • Quests
    If I am coming up to a quest with a named mob, I will hold off on using most of my Cooldowns until I come to that fight. The main thing I am really concerned with is having at least one Cooldown available. If I have died before or have done the quest before on another character and I know it is hard, I might reserve two or three Cooldowns for the fight.

Dungeons and Raids

  • 6-man dungeons, 3-man dungeons, and raids pre-In Their Absence, i.e. pre-Ost Dunhoth and Isengard raids)
    Cooldowns are important to save for boss fights. If you have done a particular instance before and you are confident that the time it will take to get to the boss is longer than the Cooldown you are considering using, then go ahead! Generally, trash mobs and mini bosses don’t need Cooldowns.For example, I was on my Captain in a Lost Temple run. There is one giant boss, Ivar, and one medium sized boss, a pair of Creoth-like people that are annoying as heck to defeat. There are also 3-4 mini-bosses in between them. Needless to say, there are more than thirty minutes between the Creoth pair and Ivar, so you can go ahead and blow any Cooldowns with a 30-minute timer. But on each of the mini-bosses, there is no reason to use a Cooldown, especially saving them up for Ivar, arguably one of the hardest 6-man bosses in the game. On the last mini-boss before Ivar, a Champion died. Cry of Vengeance, my Captain’s in-combat rez on a 30-minute cooldown untraited, flashed before my eyes. I did not use it though, because I knew that we could finish this mini-boss without the Champion and that the Ivar fight was a particularly dangerous one for healers. I would quite possibly need that rez. The fight finished, the Rune-keeper rezzed the Champion, and we faced Ivar and won.
  • Raids (In Their Absence and Isengard)
    A new feature of raids post-In Their Absence and Isengard is that Cooldowns are reset going into the boss. That means you could blow all of your Cooldowns on the trash and have them available again when going into the Boss. This is a double-edged sword, as the developers are now designing content that use all of your skills to complete.

Greetings from Chipchops or, “Once you pop…”

December 13, 2011 Comments off

My name, for all intents and purposes, is inconsequential. You may refer to me, however, as Chipchops. [NOTE FROM EDITOR: Chipchops now goes by Rhekk] My pseudonym, as opposed to my wonderful friends Geldarion and Torvox, is more of a personal nickname rather than my gamer/lore name. Despite that, it serves its purpose as good as any other. Now on to a bit about me. Something you may find of me is that I love words. So to say this is “a bit” is only based on my own standards. Also, to say that I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it will probably be inaccurate, but I hope you will enjoy this article regardless. Read more…

Beginner’s Guide: The Odd Man Out – Support Classes

December 10, 2011 Comments off

Which one does not belong in the Trinity of kittens?

Most of you now know about the MMO Trinity, which is Tank, Healer, and DPS classes (if you don’t click here, here, and here, respectively)

There is another type of class that has seen very wide use, and that is the class role of Support. Technically, Healers fall under the umbrella of “Support,” but I am going to talk about the classes that aren’t really Tanks, Healers, or DPS, but fall under a special sub-category all of their own.

Support classes are usually good for buffing, debuffing, utility skills like cures, off-healing, and power-healing. My ideal group in LOTRO for example has two Healers (one of which can be a Support class), one Tank, one other Support specifically for that purpose, and two DPS. For easier content, one healer can be swapped out for DPS. But what does a Support class actually bring to the table? Read more…